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You Know I'm No Good Isabella Bohner
Student recital
New York Life

New York Life

Production by Heyly Wan STEVE REICH NEW YORK COUNTERPOINT The title of ‘Live, Life, Live’ it represent different meaning in English. People ‘live (verb)’ their ‘ life (noun)’ in New York and make this city ‘alive (adjective)’ and so many things is going on! The video is all about New York. So many people from different part of the world or different states in USA, they all go to the same spot NEW YORK! All they are looking for --- Dream! American Dream, this is such a fancy thing to think of! People dream about get more opportunities, dream about have better life, dream about create their amazing career in New York. But, how many people really dream comes true? New York is a place for people to realize the dream. But even more, they break their dream in New York. The video starts up the drawn, see the statute of liberty and the sky line of Manhattan. It means people hold their dream and come to this place, they are full of hope as sun rise, they started to reach their goal as runner, but they have to run faster and faster in order to keep up the normal speed in New York. All the sudden, they become part of ordinary New Yorker, fast routine, being robotic for everything and ignorance. Yes, they have the ‘life’ in new york. Life is work? Fun? In order to pursue their dream, they have to work. Do they feel really happy about that? When you see the people wearing carton costume, do you think, they are having fun? Then, what is the point or life? What is the meaning of life? Life is Rush? Why we need to rush to everything in New York? Passion? People want to find their love here; People passion about their dream here! And because of this complexity and diversity of dream, it makes NEW YORK. SEBASTIAN LAMBERTZ, CLARINETS
NYC Skyline BW

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